Verifying the System Software Installation

Notice: When you start or restart the ESXi host, VMware ESXi requires several minutes to start, and then the ztC Endurance Management VM requires additional time to start. If you just restarted your system, zen_verify and other utilities can display proper output after 5 to 10 minutes.

To confirm that the system is configured correctly, run the following command in the Standby OS:

$ sudo /opt/stratus/bin/
Note: To use privileged commands in the zenadmin account, you need to add the sudo directive.

If your system was properly installed, the output appears similar to the following, where all of the tests have passed.

$ sudo /opt/stratus/bin/
Enter ESXi hostname or IP address:
Enter ESXi password:
Validating entered ESXi credentials...
Enter Management VM password:
Validating entered management VM password...
   Host ESXi OS Version check                                  [PASS]
   Host ESXi Stratus vibs check                                [PASS]
   Host ESXi MPM check                                         [PASS]
   Host ESXi ZTC portgroup check                               [PASS]
   Host ESXi Network configuration check                       [PASS]
   Host ESXi Storage configuration check                       [PASS]
   Management VM OS Version check                              [PASS]
   Management VM Stratus debian check                          [PASS]
   Standby Ubuntu OS Version check                             [PASS]
   Standby Ubuntu debian check                                 [PASS]
   BMC Firmware version check                                  [PASS]
   BIOS Firmware version check                                 [PASS]
   SES Firmware version check                                  [PASS]
   CPLD Firmware version check                                 [PASS]
   Smart Exchange compatibility                                [PASS]
   Host ESXi-Management VM communication                       [PASS]