Hardware Page

The Hardware page displays information about the hardware components of a ztC Endurance system. The top pane lists the state, activity type, name, and serial number of each compute module, I/O module, storage module, and PSU in the system. The bottom pane displays detailed information about the top-pane component that is currently selected.

In addition to viewing information about hardware components, you can use the Hardware page to do the following:

Hardware States

The State values show the alert severity. Values are:

  • Informational (): Hardware slot not actively involved in the system.

  • Normal, in sync, or OK state (): Operating normally.

  • Minor, warning, or inconsistent state (): User attention recommended.

  • Moderate state (): User attention required.

  • Broken, failed, or severe state (): Component not operational; user attention required.

Hardware Activity Types

The Activity values show the component's current activity type. Values are:

  • Running (): Component provides an operating environment and is running normally. This value applies only to the active or standby compute module.
  • Connected (): Component is actively connected to the active compute module and is operating normally. This value applies to storage modules, I/O modules, and PSUs.

  • Shutting Down (): Compute module is shutting down. See Shutting Down and Restarting a Compute Module.

  • Shutdown (): Compute module has shut down.

  • Smart Exchange​ (): Active compute module is performing a Smart Exchange​ to the other compute module.

  • Recovering (): Compute module is transitioning.

  • Booting (): Compute module is booting.

  • Failed (): Component has failed and is not operational.

  • Disconnected (): Component is not connected to the active compute module.

  • Off (): Component is powered off.