Upgrade Kits Page
The ztC Endurance Upgrade Kits page enables you to upload and manage upgrade kits that you use to upgrade the system to newer versions of the Automated Uptime Layer with Smart Exchange software.
To upload an upgrade kit to the system
- In the left-hand navigation panel, click Upgrade Kits under LIBRARY.
On the Upgrade Kits page, click the Add a kit button beneath the masthead, which opens the ztC Endurance - Kit Upload Wizard.
In the ztC Endurance - Kit Upload Wizard dialog box, click Choose File (in Google Chrome) or Browse (in Firefox or Internet Explorer), and then browse to select a .kit file.
After you have selected a .kit file, click Upload or Import (they perform the same function). A message such as Uploading file appears while the file is uploading. The upload may require up to two minutes for a file stored locally, to ten or more minutes for a file stored over a network. Do not close the wizard while the
file is uploading. If the upload fails, the wizard displays the message Failed to upload file. -
After the upload is complete, click Close in the wizard. The Upgrade Kits page lists the state and version number of the upgrade kit. The Delete button also appears with the Add a kit button.
If more than one upgrade kit is loaded, select the kit you wish to use.
Next Steps
After uploading the upgrade kit, see Upgrading the System Software.
To delete an upgrade kit
- In the left-hand navigation panel, click Upgrade Kits under LIBRARY.
- Select the upgrade kit that you want to delete and click Delete.
- At the prompt, click Yes.