Displaying OPC Output

After you have enabled OPC server functionality on the ztC Endurance system, an OPC client, located on a computer that is not the ztC Endurance system, can publish the system's performance data. The data is divided into address spaces, where each address space is divided into sub-objects that contain several data items. The OPC server functionality on the ztC Endurance system passes values for the data items to the OPC client, which then displays the data.

This topic describes how to display a ztC Endurance system's basic inventory and health information using an OPC client created with UaExpert® software from Unified Automation.

For more information about navigating the OPC client, click the Help tab in the navigation menu at the top of the client window.

To display OPC output

  1. On the computer where you have created an OPC client, open the client.

  2. In the (left) Project panel, click Project, Servers, and then ztC OPC Server.

    After you select ztC OPC Server, the Address Space panel under Project displays the Root hierarchy.

  3. In the Address Space panel, under Root, click Objects. Under Objects, you can select Server and ztCEndurance. Each physical component of the system is represented by a data item in the panel; click the data item to check the component's status. The Attributes panel on the right side of the window displays the value of the selected data item.

The following tables describe some of the data items that can be viewed on the OPC client.

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