Gathering Information

Before you install the system software, record the following site-specific settings that you configure during the initial installation process. Optionally, print these tables to use them as worksheets to record each value.

Table 18 describes the passwords needed for the software installation. Table 19 describes the system and network settings needed for the software installation, either in the prompts of the installation script (see Installing VMware ESXi and Deploying the Management VM) or in the installation configuration file (see Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional)). Most settings in Table 19 show two Setting names. Longer setting names in mixed case (for example, BMCA hostname (FQDN)) are similar to the prompts in the installation script. Shorter setting names in all lowercase letters (for example, bmca_hostname) match the names in the installation configuration file.

  1. A ztC Endurance system requires a total of 3 user-configurable passwords, including one password for the baseboard management controller (BMC) Web console, one shared password for the ztC Endurance Standby OS and Management VM, and one password for the ESXi host.

  2. The system also requires a minimum of 10 IP addresses, including 4 addresses for the BMCs, 4 addresses for the standby operating systems (OSes), one address for the ESXi host, and one address for the ztC Endurance Management VM. All IP addresses must be on the same subnet.

  3. Assigning multiple IP addresses to the BMCs and Standby OSes enables either BMC or Standby OS to communicate through either I/O module for redundancy.

  4. The system supports a mix of DHCP or static IP addresses, but static IP addresses are best to ensure uninterrupted communication between system components and maximum uptime.

  5. Ensure that you record these passwords and network settings in a secure place so that you can access your ztC Endurance system after installation. Keeping this information accessible also helps your authorized Stratus service representative to access the system in the event of a service call.

Table 18: Password Settings Worksheet
Preference Description Entry
System Passwords
BMC Web console admin password

Password for the BMC Web console admin user account.

You need to set a password for BMC Web console to support the software installation and troubleshooting, but you can also use the BMC Web console to remotely monitor and administer the system as summarized in Configuring the BMCs for Remote System Management.


Management zenadmin password

Password for the zenadmin user account of the ztC Endurance Standby OS and Management VM.

You log in to the Standby OS to install the system software, as described in Installing VMware ESXi and Deploying the Management VM. Specifying a new password for the zenadmin account during the software installation replaces the default password (zenadmin).

Most users never need to access the console of the Management VM, but you need to set this password for it to support the software installation, system operations, and troubleshooting, if needed.

ESXi root password Password for the root user account of the ESXi host.  
Table 19: Installation Settings Worksheet
Setting Description Entry
System Information Variables


Note: Applies only if you are preparing an installation configuration file, as described in Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional).

The system ID to include in host name construction. For example, if the fully qualified domain name of a system is, where ocean is the host name and the DNS domain name is, the system_id is ocean.

This setting is helpful if you are creating installation configuration files for many systems, so you can enter the ID only once at the top of the configuration file, and replace it with the $SYSTEM_ID variable wherever necessary.



Note: Applies only if you are preparing an installation configuration file, as described in Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional).

The system domain to include in host name construction. For example, if the fully qualified domain name of a system is, where ocean is the host name and the DNS domain name is, the system domain is

This setting is helpful if you are creating installation configuration files for many systems, so you can enter the domain only once at the top of the configuration file, and replace it with the $SYSTEM-DOMAIN variable wherever necessary.

BMC Settings

BMCA hostname (FQDN)


BMC A host name (must be a fully-qualified domain name), where BMC A is the BMC in compute module A.

You connect to this host name or the IP address of BMC A to remotely monitor and manage compute module A with the BMC Web console.


BMCB hostname (FQDN)


BMC B host name (must be a fully-qualified domain name), where BMC B is the BMC in compute module B.

You connect to this host name or the IP address of BMC B to remotely monitor and manage compute module B with the BMC Web console.


BMC network protocol


BMC IP protocol (dhcp or static).  

BMC A eth 0


BMC A eth 0 IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP).


BMC A eth 1


BMC A eth 1 IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP).  

BMC B eth 0


BMC B eth 0 IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP).  

BMC B eth 1


BMC B eth 1 IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP).  
Standby OS Settings

Standby CMA
hostname (FQDN)


Standby A node host name (must be a fully-qualified domain name), where Standby A is the Standby OS running on compute module A.  

Standby CMB hostname (FQDN)


Standby B node host name (must be a fully-qualified domain name), where Standby B is the Standby OS running on compute module B.


Standby network protocol


Standby IP protocol (dhcp or static).  

Standby CMA
IP Address 1


Standby A IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP) for A eno1.


Standby CMA

IP Address 2


Standby A IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP) for A eno2.  

Standby CMB

IP Address 1


Standby B IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP) for B eno1.  

Standby CMB

IP Address 2


Standby B IPv4 or IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP) for B eno2.  

Standby Nameserver


Standby IPv4/IPv6 name server address or leave blank (for DHCP).  
VMware ESXi Settings

ESXi hostname (FQDN)


Host name of the ESXi host (must be a fully-qualified domain name).

You connect to this host name or the IP address of your ESXi host to configure and manage your system with ESXi Host Client. The ztC Endurance Management VM also requires the IP address or host name of your ESXi host to manage the continuous uptime of your system; therefore, a static configuration is highly recommended.

For a summary of ESXi Host Client, see Configuring ESXi Host Client or vSphere Web Client for Remote System Management.


ESXi network protocol


ESXi host IP protocol (dhcp or static).  

IP address


ESXi host IP address.




ESXi host IPv4/IPv6 gateway address or leave blank (for DHCP).


ESXi Netmask


ESXi host IPv4 subnet address or leave blank (for DHCP/IPv6 or if prefix is supplied in IP address).


ESXi IPv6 Prefix


ESXi host IPv6 prefix or leave blank (for DHCP).  



ESXi host IPv4/IPv6 name server address or leave blank.




ESXi host VLAN ID (a value in the range [1 - 4096] or --NONE--).  

Numerical keyboard type


Numerical keyboard type, a value in the range [00 - 27].

For example, the US Default keyboard is 26. For a full list, see Valid Keyboard Types below.


Path/URL to the ESXi ISO


ESXi ISO path or URL. For example, if you copy the ISO into the Standby OS as described in Transferring Software ISOs to the Standby OS, the location would be similar to:


ztC Endurance Management VM Settings

Management VM Name


Management VM host name, where the default is ESXihostname-ZTCmgmt.

For example, if the ESXi host name is ocean, the Management VM name would be ocean-ZTCmgmt.


Management VM network protocol


Management VM IP protocol (dhcp or static).  

Management VM



Management VM DNS suffix name.

For example, if the fully qualified domain name of the Management VM is, the DNS suffix name is


Management VM IP Address


Management VM IPv4/IPv6 address (IP address/prefix) or leave blank (for DHCP).

You connect to this IP address or the host name of the ztC Endurance Management VM to monitor and manage the fault-tolerant aspects of your system with the ztC Endurance console​. For more information, see Using the ztC Endurance Console.


Management VM



Management VM IPv4/IPv6 name server address or leave blank (for DHCP).  

ztC Endurance Management Network Settings
(Used by BMC, Standby OS, and Management VM)

Mgmt Gateway


Management network IPv4/IPv6 gateway address or leave blank (for DHCP).  

Mgmt Netmask


Management network IPv4 subnet address or leave blank (for DHCP/IPv6 or if prefix is supplied in IP address).


Mgmt IPv6 Prefix


Management network IPv6 prefix or leave blank (for DHCP/IPv6 or if prefix is supplied in IP address).

Support Notifications over the ActiveService Network (ASN) Settings

Enable Support Notifications


Indicates whether or not to enable Support Notifications over the ASN (yes or no).

Activating the Support Notifications allows the ztC Endurance system to send health and status notifications to Stratus Customer Service over a secure Internet connection. To access related settings in ztC Endurance console​ after installation, see Configuring Remote Support Settings.


Asset ID


Asset Identifier (ID), in the format zennnnn. For information about locating the Asset ID sticker for your system on top of the system chassis, see Installing the System in a Cabinet.