Updating Network IP Configuration Settings

Use the network configuration script if you need to update the network settings for the ztC Endurance system after the initial software installation. For example, you might need to change the network settings if you prepared a system with settings and virtual machines for an end user, but then you need to update the network settings to deploy the system on a different network or subnet, possibly at a new location.

The network configuration script updates network settings for the:

  • Baseboard management controllers (BMCs)

  • Standby OS of each compute module

  • ESXi host

  • Management VM

Notice: When you run the network configuration script, it restarts the active compute module twice to complete all of the changes. Because you temporarily lose access to your applications, ensure that you run the script only on a non-production system or during a planned maintenance period.
  1. If you are preparing for the initial software installation, use the BMC configuration script or the software installation script to configure the network settings instead of using the network configuration script. See the instructions in Installing the System Software.

  2. If you are connected to the console of the compute module through the BMC Web console, you will lose your connection if you change the BMC network settings. You need to reconnect to the new addresses you entered in the script or configuration file.

  3. You need to provide the location of the ESXi ISO image in the script or configuration file because the script needs access to software libraries in the ISO to change the ESXi network settings.

If you want to create a file that already contains the new network settings needed for the network configuration script, see Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional). You can specify this file for input when running the network configuration script, BMC configuration script, or software installation script.

The installation script is located in /opt/stratus/bin/net_config.sh.

Network configuration script usage:

Usage : net_config.sh {options}

-h            prints this menu
-u url        url with AUL-SE installer ISO image location
-f filename   path to AUL-SE installer ISO image
-y filename   path to configuration yaml file
Note: To use privileged commands in the zenadmin account, you need to add the sudo directive.

To run the net_config.sh script with prompts for each setting:

sudo /opt/stratus/bin/net_config.sh

To run the net_config.sh script with a configuration file that already contains settings:

sudo /opt/stratus/bin/net_config.sh -y /opt/stratus/install/zen_config.yaml

To update the system network settings

  1. Optionally, create a file that already contains the configuration settings as described in Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional); otherwise, be prepared to manually enter the information from Gathering Information.

  2. Log on to the Standby OS of either compute module as the zenadmin user.

  3. Start the network configuration script by using one of the commands described earlier in this topic.

    sudo /opt/stratus/bin/net_config.sh {options}
  4. The configuration script loads any existing settings from the installation configuration file and begins prompting for input.

    Note: If you already entered the settings into the installation configuration file, the network configuration script prompts only for the settings you have not entered.
  5. Type the current zenadmin password and press Enter to continue.

  6. Type the current ESX root password and press Enter to continue.

  7. The script prompts for the IP configuration settings for the BMCs, the Standby OS, the ESXi host, and the Management VM. Type new values for the settings you need to change and press Enter to continue. To accept an existing value, leave the field blank and press Enter. Repeat until the script displays Confirm input below.

  8. The script displays a summary of the settings you entered and prompts you to apply the settings or prompt for each setting again to make any corrections. Do one of the following:

    • To accept the settings that you entered and apply them to the system, type y and press Enter.

    • To display each prompt again with passwords hidden, type n and press Enter. For each prompt, type any changes and press Enter to continue.

    • To display each prompt again with passwords in clear text, type unhide. For each prompt, type any changes and press Enter to continue.

  9. The configuration script begins to implement the network settings that you specified. View the output to confirm that the changes are successful.

  10. The current login session to the Standby OS automatically disconnects so that the system can change the network settings for the compute module.

  11. After the system restarts, verify that the BMCs, the Standby OS, the ESXi host, and the Management VM are functioning properly.