Installing VMware ESXi and Deploying the Management VM

After running the BMC configuration script, run the installation script to install the system software. Running the installation script automatically:

  • Installs VMware ESXi

  • Deploys the Management VM

  • Installs Automated Uptime Layer components

  • Mirrors the pair of system disks

  • Mirrors any additional disk pairs in the system, if present

If you want to create a file that already contains the configuration settings needed for the BMC configuration process and software installation process, see Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional). You can specify this file for input when running the BMC configuration script, software installation script, or network configuration script.

The installation script is located in /opt/stratus/bin/

Installation script usage:

Usage : {options}
-h            prints this menu
-u url        url with AUL-SE installer image location
-f filename   path to AUL-SE installer ISO image
-y filename   path to configuration yaml file
Note: To use privileged commands in the zenadmin account, you need to add the sudo directive.

To run the installation script with no configuration file (prompts for each setting):

sudo /opt/stratus/bin/ -f /opt/stratus/install/zen-aul-se-vmw-n.n.n.n-nnn.iso

To run the installation script with a configuration file that already contains settings:

sudo /opt/stratus/bin/ -y /opt/stratus/install/zen_config.yaml

In the preceding command, if you installed zen_config.yaml in a different directory, specify that directory instead.

If you exit out of the installation script before completing the installation process, the system automatically saves a copy of your latest configuration entries in a configuration file with a time-stamped file name in the current working directory.

The software installation takes approximately 60 minutes.

To install VMware ESXi and Automated Uptime Layer

  1. Optionally, create a file that already contains the configuration settings as described in Preparing the Installation Configuration File (Optional); otherwise, be prepared to manually enter the information from Gathering Information.

  2. Using the keyboard connected to compute module B, log on to the Standby OS as the zenadmin user with the default password zenadmin (or other credentials, if provided).

  3. Attach a USB device that contains the ESXi ISO file to one of the USB 3.0 ports of compute module B (see System Ports), and mount the USB device as described in Transferring Software ISOs to the Standby OS. Optionally, copy the ESXi ISO file to the Standby OS.

  4. Start the software installation script by using one of the commands described earlier in this topic:

    $ sudo /opt/stratus/bin/ {options}
  5. The configuration script loads any existing settings from the installation configuration file and begins prompting for input.

  6. Read the ztC Endurance EULA. To accept the terms and continue, type y and Enter to continue.

  7. Read the ztC Endurance Service Terms and Conditions. To accept the terms and continue, type y and Enter.

    1. For the following entries, see the settings you gathered in Gathering Information.

    2. If you already entered the settings into the installation configuration file, the installation script prompts only for the settings you have not entered.

  8. When prompted to configure the BMC network interfaces:

    • If you have already run, type n , and press Enter.

      If you have not already run, type y to configure the interfaces now or n to configure them later, and press Enter.

    Note: If you are connected to the console of the compute module through the BMC Web console, you will lose your connection if you change the BMC network settings. If applicable, consider configuring the BMC network settings at a later time as described in Configuring the BMC Network Settings or Updating Network IP Configuration Settings.
  9. Type the new BMC Web console admin password, the ztC Endurance Management zenadmin password, and the ESXi root password. Type each password and press Enter to continue.

  10. If you chose to configure the BMC network interfaces now, type the BMC hostnames. Type each entry and press Enter to continue.

  11. Type the BMC network protocol, dhcp or static, and press Enter.

  12. If you selected dhcp, skip to the next step; otherwise, if you selected static, type the four BMC IP addresses. Type each entry and press Enter to continue.

  13. Type the Standby hostnames for each compute module. Type each entry and press Enter to continue.

  14. Type the Standby network protocol, dhcp or static, and press Enter.

  15. If you selected dhcp, skip to the next step; otherwise, if you selected static, type the four Standby IP addresses and name server, if applicable. Type each entry and press Enter to continue.

  16. Type the ESXi hostname and press Enter.

  17. Type the ESXi network protocol, dhcp or static, and press Enter.

  18. If you selected dhcp, skip to the next step; otherwise, if you selected static, type the ESXi IP address, gateway, netmask, and name server, if applicable. Type each entry and press Enter to continue.

  19. Type the number for your keyboard type, and press Enter. For example, for the US Default keyboard, type 26 and press Enter.

  20. Type the file path or URL to the ESXi ISO and press Enter. For example, if you copied the ESXi ISO to the Standby OS as described in Transferring Software ISOs to the Standby OS, the file path would be similar to:

  21. Type the ztC Endurance Management VM hostname and press Enter.

  22. Type the Management VM network protocol, dhcp or static, and press Enter.

  23. If you selected dhcp, skip to the next step; otherwise, if you selected static, type the domain name, IP address, and name server for the Management VM. Type each entry, and press Enter to continue.

  24. Type the ztC Endurance Management Network gateway, netmask, and IPv6 prefix, if applicable. Type each entry, and press Enter to continue.

  25. Choose if you want to enable Support Notifications over the ASN. Type y or n and press Enter.

    Activating Support Notifications over the ASN allows the ztC Endurance system to send health and status notifications to Stratus Customer Service over a secure Internet connection.

  26. Type the Asset ID to your system (zennnnn), which is printed on a label located on the top of the system chassis, as shown in Installing the System in a Cabinet. Press Enter.

  27. The installation script displays a summary of the settings you entered and prompts you to begin the installation or prompt for each setting again to make any corrections. Do one of the following:

    • To accept the settings that you entered and begin the installation, type y and press Enter. The installation begins immediately.

    • To display each prompt again with passwords hidden, type n and press Enter. For each prompt, type any changes and press Enter to continue.

    • To display each prompt again with passwords in clear text, type u or unhide. For each prompt, type any changes and press Enter to continue.

  28. After you confirm your input, the installation script begins to implement the settings that you specified and verify that all system components are ready and properly configured for installation.

  29. Read the VMware EULA. To accept the terms and continue, type y and Enter.

    After you accept the VMware EULA, the installation script continues the implementation and verification process.

  30. When prompted to continue installing ESXi, type y and Enter to proceed.

  31. The installation script automatically installs ESXi, deploys the Management VM, and begins configuring the system software. The script reboots compute module A up to three times while it completes the configuration steps, begins mirroring the pair of system disks, and then mirrors any other pairs of data disks in the system.

  32. Upon successful installation of the system, the installation script displays the current system settings as well as the addresses for the ztC Endurance console​ and the ESXi Host Client. If you have not already done so, make note of the settings now to ensure that you have this information.

  33. To complete post-installation tasks and configure the system, see Post-Installation Tasks.